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About: About
We have 10. Project team in Shanghai and production studio in Guangzhou, as well as shooting partner in Shanghai as well.
Bunch of partners / resources all over mainland China, Taipei, Hong Kong England, North America and SEA. From basic to expensive, for video production, Amazon contents, Tiktok video, offline event managment, web development, live stream (Douyin), social contents, OTT buyings, branding, design whatever you name it...
We travel back and forth to both offices every week, and our leader Fensato driving his Tesla in town all days, for client meeting (never seen him in the office :P)
We are one of the top Amazon China creative and outbound marketing / branding studio for e-commerce seller
What else you wish to know? Just call us, alright?
About: Quote
"大部份首次接触的卖家 对海外营销投放经验不足
所以先理清目的 你应该有好明确的销售额增长需求
你不会想花几千 一两万块拍点素材?
想不认真打磨你的品牌物料 能让消费者买单吧?
市场上有很多拍摄很LOW格的拍摄公司 你可以找他们啊
不过回头认真想清楚你的痛点 假设我们真的能帮你打出目标销售额
那这点十来万的花费 算几毛钱...?
如果你真的只想拍点素材 我们也有优质素材线..
走个简单流程 请你喝杯港式奶茶先"
About: Quote
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